
When I was elected I promised to be a full time MP and to only claim the expenses needed to do the best job for my 80,000 constituents, and to be completely transparent about what I claim and why.

For personal expenses, I claim for travel and accommodation.  Travelling by car is often the best option and I claim for mileage at the standard rate. When I travel by train I always go standard class and I try to find the best fare available to keep the costs down.  I claim for accommodation to enable me to stay in London when needed for parliamentary duties.   I do not claim for meals or other such allowances.  I have not claimed for any trips overseas.

For office and staffing expenses, when I was elected I pledged that I would have a Constituency Office, would hold regular surgeries, take on casework and be proactive in helping constituents and local organisations, such as local charities and businesses, as much as possible.  I have an office at Grosvenor House in the centre of Corby with two full time staff, supplemented with additional support from time-to-time.  I claim the staffing allowance, rent and office costs associated with providing a local service to my constiuents.  I also employ a researcher in Westminster.   I pay staff according to the guidelines from the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority.  I do not employ any family members.

I am grateful also for the support of volunteers and interns who work alongside the team.  If you think you could get involved in our work please do get in touch.

I promised to be transparent about what expenses I claim and why.  In addition to the above outline you can of course contact me with any questions and you can find details of all the expenses I have claimed on the IPSA website here.

If you would like to get involved in my work in Corby and East Northamptonshire please email me andy.sawford.mp@parliament.uk